Moving away from the traditional model of family practice medicine only makes sense- depending upon whom you ask of course. As practices are exploding with patients and reimbursements are down many are looking toward the future of digital medicine.
I came across an article today in the New York Times “The Doctor Is in (Well, Logged in)” about a digital health company called Sherpaa.
I love the concept of having a doctor available online to dialogue with as needed. As a nurse and a patient, I see this as an invaluable service. Why clog up waiting rooms with patients that you can easily diagnose in a digital manner? Clearly, hands on physical exams are not a necessity with every visit. Many patient visits are simply filled with questions. Take a patient with rheumatoid arthritis for instance- they may have questions related to side effects of a new drug, pain control, supplements or dietary changes.
Patients with diabetes are prime candidates for digital visits. Collected patient data tracking information can easily be forwarded to the providers inbox prior to the virtual appointment. Prescriptions can be updated, lab slips sent digitally and with face to face compatibility providers can visualize patient concerns.
Don’t get me wrong, there are simply times when one must be seen, auscultated, vital signs taken, etc. Digital visits won’t take the place of hands on medicine- but it can reduce costly ER and office visits.