Easter is the one-two punch that comes immediately on the heels of Valentine’s Day; it creates another few weeks of fending off the candy aisle at work, school, parties, banks – and quite frankly, everywhere you turn.
Luckily, there are ways to make Easter morning and the Easter basket less of a ‘candy-fest’ and still have your kids feel like they aren’t being jipped-off.
Tip #1
Lets start with a the 2014 list of safe gluten-free candies from the beautiful website Beard and Bonnet; they’ve done the hard work for us.
Tip #2
Don’t turn Easter into Christmas. You may be temped to ‘make up for’ the situation by spending a ton of cash on other sizable gifts instead of candy, but it’s not necessary.
Tip #3
Try these Easter basket ideas on for size:
- Small toys (you’d be surprised by what fits into a plastic egg)
- A dark chocolate bunny (it’s very low-glycemic)
- Favorite candies – for low blood sugar of course
- A card game
- Movie tickets
- Gum
- A jump rope
- A diary (lock and key!)
- Bubbles, pencils, sidewalk chalk
- A plastic egg which has written instructions inside that starts a scavenger hunt. Fill the eggs they find with pocket change and the final egg with a dollar bill. (Cash is king; kids get more excited about that than candy.)
- A cool t-shirt
- Some small gadget they’re dying for
Tip #4
Make some yummy treats at home with your kids! Long lasting memories are formed in the kitchen; kids love to create things – especially with you. Try these on for size: